Katie + Devin took me up to Katie’s family ranch for their engagement session, in the utmost Northern side of Goshen County. The Oschner Ranch covers an expanse of land just North of Torrington, WY, and has everything from flat prairie lands to sandstone buttes and rolling hills. It’s one of the special places that the sun touches for as long as it possibly can before dipping behind the horizon.
It was so special to photograph Katie + Devin in such a meaningful place and to see them be so sweet together. When we first started the session, we came up on some gorgeous hills and valleys where the Wyoming wind was extra excited to be there with us. Katie + Devin were the perfect go-with-the-flow duo and held each other tighter and laughed even harder with the Wyoming breeze.
The second spot, several sandstone hills + buttes that overlooked an expansive prairie including both Goshen and Niobrara counties, the wind perfectly settled and the sun began to wade lower in the sky. Katie + Devin made the perfect Cowboy Engagement Outfit goals: Katie’s black blouse, red jeans and long pearl necklace was the perfect western outfit for engagement photos. Devin paired an amazing black cowboy hat with a black suit coat, black tie, and dark jeans to compliment. Being the middle of November, we were thrilled to see a day without snow or freezing wind, and at the “Boondocks”, we were able to have so much fun!
Our third and final spot on the Ochsner Ranch was a flat prairie grassland, where Katie + Devin will be saying their I-Do’s the end of May! The golden sun could not have been more ideal, so Katie threw on a back pea-coat and white scarf to dress up her engagement outfit – we had a BLAST playing in the golden light in the very spot they will be married!
I had the best time with Katie + Devin romping around the gorgeous Ochsner ranch and viewing all the best parts of the Goshen County Landscape! These two are truly so insanely perfect together, and it’s no doubt that God’s hand played a huge role in their finding each other. I cannot wait to celebrate with them here in a few short days!! In the mean time, enjoy scrolling through their beautiful + crazy happy engagement session, and read all how they met + got engaged below!! Congratulations, friends!! xx
How did you guys meet? Who made the first move?
If we truly start at the beginning of how God brought us together, it goes back to 1991 before either of us were born. A friend of Devin’s family was hunting in Wyoming and connected with Katie’s parents at a bible study. In 1999 the ‘Kentucky Hunters’ hunted the George Ochsner Ranch for the first time and have been coming ever since. Devin and Katie first met when Devin’s family took a vacation to Wyoming in the summer of 2004. Devin came to Wyoming again in the fall of 2005 to hunt. Devin didn’t come out again for a few years, but in 2015 he started to come hunting in Wyoming again every October. Turns out he had more than a deer and antelope tag. As cheesy and ‘typical millennial’ as it may seem, Devin and Katie’s relationship advanced to the next level in early 2018 when they started communicating more frequently through Snapchat. Katie finally asked for Devin’s phone number so they could text and call. In April 2018 Katie traveled to Kentucky for work, which happened to take her very close to where Devin lived. Devin and Katie met up for lunch and he showed her around his family’s farm. After that visit, Devin and Katie decided there might be potential for a relationship and made plans to see each other again later in the spring. Over Memorial Day weekend in 2018 Devin flew into Denver for the weekend so he and Katie could get to know each other better. They visited Estes Park, attended a Rockies game, and went to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. On Sunday they ended up at the local Top Gold, where Devin smoothly asked what he would be introduces as the next weekend why then attended the wedding of one of Katie’s friends. Katie said she would just introduce Devin as her friend, which led to Devin asking Katie if she would be his girlfriend. The next day at their final activity before they parted ways, Devin and Katie did an Escape Room and when they got out they got to take a picture with signs as props. Devin spotted the ‘Getting Married’ sign and asked Katie if she wanted to take a picture as a joke on their families. Maybe he was just calling his shot.
– written by : soon-to-be bride Katie –
What was your first impression of him/her?
Devin : When Devin and Katie first met in the summer of 2004, eleven-year-old Devin remembers Katie being cute, but a little nerdy.
Katie : Katie doesn’t necessarily remember the first meeting, but when Devin came to Wyoming for the second time to hunt in the fall of 2005 Katie admits to developing a bit of a crush on him. She even asked her mom exactly how far away he lived, but realistically, didn’t think there was potential for a relationship because of the distance between them.
How long have you guys been together?
Three days after our wedding (wedding date) will be our two year anniversary of dating!
How did he pop the question?
On June 20, 2019, Katie’s family was honored with the Wyoming Stock Growers Association Environmental Stewardship Award and hosted an environmental stewardship tour at their ranch. It was a full day of good company and education. As the evening neared the end, Devin asked Katie if she would take a walk with him. They went out to the most romantic place Devin could find, the silage pit. Devin said to Katie, “It’s been a good day, wanna make it a great day?” He got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. Katie only had a few minutes to recover from the big surprise before they went back into the party and told her whole family the exciting news.
– written by : soon-to-be bride Katie –
Did you guys choose your ring together, or did he pick it out himself?
He picked it out himself! We had discussed what kind of rings I liked a bit, and he took that information to have a beautiful custom ring made for me. While I anticipated we would get engaged some time in 2019, he timed it so that I was very surprised!
What is your favorite thing about him/her?
Devin : “I love Katie’s eyes, I get lost in the magnificent colors, one look into her eyes and my day just seems better. I also love how hard working she is. Her dedication and work ethic towards the things she’s involved in inspires me. She is the most caring person I have ever met.”
Katie : “I love how smart and funny he is. When we first started talking, I must have mentioned his intelligence to my mom so many times that finally one day she exclaimed, “Ok, I get it, he’s really smart!” I love how he can make a joke out of almost anything and can make me smile when I least want to.”
What is your favorite thing to do to relax together?
Devin : “As crazy as it sounds, traveling together is one of the more relaxing times to me. We both travel so much for work it is so nice to somewhere together and just relax doing nothing.”
Katie : “Traveling or going to the ranch together. Since we both travel frequently for work we are experienced travelers so it isn’t stressful to us. It is really a treat when we get to travel for pleasure rather than business. I also love the days we are both able to help at the ranch together. My family ranch is so important to me and I feel blessed that Devin is well-versed with ranch work and is a real asset on the days we are able to be there.”
Tell us about the best date you’ve ever been on together!
Devin : “The Lakers game she took me to for Valentine’s Day this year was amazing, but my favorite is probably the week long date we took together on our road trip to Canada. Our relationship was still new and she slept a lot while I drove but just spending that much time uninterrupted with her was great.”
Katie : “Memorial Day Weekend 2018. We packed a ton of fun activities into one weekend, and spending that time together was when my perspective changed from, ‘we’re talking and having fun’ to ‘I could potentially marry this guy.’ That weekend was the first time I got to dance with Devin, and for a guy from back east, I was pleased that he caught on so quickly :)”
What are you most excited for on your wedding day?
Devin : “Seeing Katie in her wedding dress… Her beauty amazes me every time I see her and I know without a doubt she will be the most beautiful bride ever.”
Katie : “Getting to see him at the end of the aisle, and spending time surrounded by our friends and family.”
Any advice for brides currently planning their wedding out there?
DO NOT have your wedding during a world-wide health crisis (thanks COVID-19)! If you can avoid that , your planning should go much more smoothly! 🙂
This engagement shots are so amazing!